We are turning two years old. Join us in Berkeley to celebrate and raise funds for the peaceful struggle ahead.6pm local time. About Climate Defiance:
We started off as a rag-tag group blockading the White House correspondents Dinner. Now we're making Fortune 500 directors resign in disgrace and forcing senior Presidential Advisors to come to the table to negotiate. We played a major role in getting tens of millions of acres in Alaska protected from the ravages of drilling - and won a pause on fracked gas export infrastructure.
We're making big plans to engage in local and federal acts of Climate Defiance under the new political reality we now face.
We do not go along to get along. We do not sit in cubicles pushing papers around and signing coalition letters. We block doors. We crash galas. We shut down speeches at think tanks and hotels and conferences and fundraisers and Congressional office buildings. We act like our very lives are on the line because they are.
We do direct action. We get in the face of climate criminals and politicians who enable them, call them out for their misdeeds, and share videos of them fleeing.
And we get results.
We played a major role in pausing all new gas export infrastructure. We also played a significant role in protecting tens of millions of acres in the Arctic. We've had full profiles written about us in the New York Times, New Republic, Rolling Stone, and the Guardian. We have reached over 100,000,000 impressions on Twitter, organically. Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beaudreau (who signed the Willow Project) resigned 15 days after we protested him. Jody Freeman resigned from Conoco just weeks after we protested her.
Here is the word on the street about us:
Congressman Ro Khanna said about our group: "You have gotten the country's attention...People in Congress are talking about you. Senators are talking about you. The President is talking about you. And remember this, the future is with you.”
Chelsea Handler said Climate Defiance is "the best new, nonpartisan group that goes after politicians on both sides in the U.S."
Steven Donziger said: "They do what is needed better than just about any group in the world. Climate Defiance has shown time and again the ability to execute effectively on the strategy of disruptive activism and to reach millions of people in the process."
Don't Look Up creator Adam McKay said: "I love Climate Defiance...They’re one of the most energetic, loud, and focused activist movements in the last 30 years."
Note:Tickets sold through this link are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to support the movement on the 501c3 tax-deductible side, email michael@climatedefiance.org for more info.